Unlock Your Public Speaking Confidence

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When we were asked to bring a prop to describe our business to last night's Network Ireland Kildare Branch event, I didn't have to think about it for very long! I brought a padlock with me.

Why? So many people are trapped by their fear of public speaking.

Business owners attend networking meetings as ambassadors for their business. They need to communicate clearly in their networking pitch what they do , how they do it and for whom. Poor presentation skills can hinder that communication. Maybe their team members are held back by public speaking nerves from contributing at meetings or avoid delivering work presentations, potentially stalling their career progress.

Or maybe it's in a social setting- the father of the bride who is dreading the speech on his daughter's big day. 

Public speaking is a skill, and skills can be learned!

I help individuals unlock 🔓 their public speaking confidence.

I provide presentation skills training that helps individuals to identify their message, create and deliver presentations that communicate their message clearly and competently. 

I was delighted to win "Best Prop" on the night. Thanks to Tara Lane from Centrepiece Rosettes for the lovely rosette prize! 

If you would like to discuss how we could help you or your team unlock your public speaking confidence, contact me for a no-obligation call.


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