Thoughts on Public Speaking

How Client Storytelling Can Take the Fear Out of Your 60-Second Pitch

Why Your Business Needs a Mini Elevator Pitch (And How to Create One)

How to Make Your 60-Second Pitch Better With Just 3 Simple Tweaks

Why Your Elevator Pitch Might Be Falling Flat (and How to Fix It)
What do you think makes a “good” elevator pitch?
This is a question I ask participants at the start of each one of my “Master Your Pitch” masterclasses, and their responses are often something along the lines of the elements above.
It also follows that those are the things my clients find most challenging when delivering their pitch - they know what they want to say, but putting that into effect in their pitching can get tricky.
I’ve put together a blog post with the 3 most common mistakes I see with pitches and some simple fixes for them

5 Fresh Ways to Use Your Elevator Pitch You May Not Have Thought Of

The Three Stages of Networking