Is Training the Right Answer?


When an organisation identifies a challenge, very often training is proposed as a solution. Sometimes it is the right solution, but not always. Training for the sake of training is a waste of time, effort and money. For training to be effective, it needs to address an identified gap in knowledge, skills or attitude.

The gap – and the correct solution to address it- is identified by performing a Training Needs Analysis (TNA). This not only identifies the gap, it also provides the foundation of a training plan, ensuring an improved Return on Investment. The Four Step Model (Garavan et al, 2003), is best suited to prioritising interventions focussed on improving performance at an individual level. The steps involved are:

  1. Preparation of the Review

  2. Collection and Initial Interpretation of the data

  3. Analysis of data

  4. Identification of Training & Development priorities

When clients approach me about delivering in-house training, I listen carefully. I listen to what the issues are with regard to staff communication and presentation skills. For some, it is developing skills to participate confidently at internal meetings. For others, it is developing skills to deliver client presentations, or to share their expertise at a conference.

All of the above require good presentation skills, but the training involved is different in each scenario. Taking time to ask the right questions at this stage ensures effective training will be designed, developed and delivered.

My next step is to conduct a survey. By conducting a survey in advance with participants, I can identify what the core issues are, and address those in the training session.After analysing the data,

I work closely with the L&D function to prioritise the issues raised and create the learning objectives. This will ensure that training is relevant and meets the needs of the individual and the organisation. We work together to establish what the trainees will do differently as a result of the training.No two training sessions are the same. Each client has a training session designed to their needs as identified by the participants in advance. That is what makes my training effective.

Contact me to see if training is the right solution for your company’s needs.


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